2 October 2022, 8:04h, hr2

3 October 2022, 8:05h, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Kakadu: Children's radio play:

The message in a bottle

Radio play by Klaus Kordon

Director: Götz Naleppa

Assistance: Beatrix Ackers

Technical realisation: Bernd Friebel


Max-Volkert Martens, Martina Elias, Felix Leiberg, Julia Reschke, Alexander Kaiser, Peter Regenbrecht, Kerstin Keicher, Fatih Pinarcik, Else Nabu, Egon Hofmann, Leon Boden, Gela Leiberg, Dieter Kursawe, Katharina Koschny.

Imagine: the great Berlin would be a divided city, in which the people, and of course the children of both parts, would be separated from each other by a wall! (Already) unimaginable? Matze lives in East Berlin, and one day he has an idea. He wants to send a message in a bottle that floats down the Spree and into the Elbe, and then onwards, across the sea, to distant lands - or so he thinks. In reality, however, the bottle with its trilingual message only floats over to West Berlin - and that's where Lika finds it. When Lika decides to reply to Matze, it is the beginning of many, many complications. Not because of her or Matze, nor because of her friends Pipusch and Bob. They manage to get in touch with each other and they get on quite well. But their parents! The problems they see with such "East-West contacts" ... And then Lika and Matze want to meet up!

The radio play was produced by RIAS Berlin in 1990 - and is itself a piece of German-German co-operation, as Bernd Friebel from the former GDR radio station stood in for a sound engineer who suddenly fell ill. 

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