Radio plays

"That one from the assembly"

Author: Paul Bowles (USA 1910 - 1999)
Genre: Radio play
Production: BR 1993
Director: Götz Naleppa
Editing: Garleff Zacharias-Langhans
Length: 62 min.

Christian Brückner, Thomas Holtzmann, Leo Bardischewski, Hans-Werner Meyer, Käte Jaenicke

A tale from North Africa, a story full of dazzling strangeness. Ben Tajah returns from a trip to the mountains. The one in the meeting is travelling in his head. Ben Tajah is old, the other is young, a stoner. They meet in the Café of the Two Bridges. The one from the congregation smokes his sebsi, Ben Tajah thinks: 'The sky trembles and the earth is afraid, and the two eyes are not brothers. In a letter he picked up from the street, bearing his name, he found the unusual message. Ben Tajah is afraid of Satan. The one from the congregation fears the police. For half a night, the paths of the two unite. In the morning, each returns to his own world.

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