Radio plays

'The Pleasure and Burden of Immortality, or: The Eternal Singer Anja Silja'.

Author: Elke Pressler
Genre: Feature
Production: DKultur 2008
Music: Leos Janacek, a.o.
Length: 54'20
Director: Götz Naleppa
Assistant Director: Karena Lütge
Sound and technology: Lutz Pahl

Leslie Malton, Uta Hallant, Max Volkert Martens, Udo Schenk, Bernd Hörnle.

What do Leos Janacek's opera "The Makropulos Affair", the life of the opera singer Anja Silja and the research of the British biogerontologist Aubrey de Grey have in common? Eternal youth and immortality have always fascinated people. But is it really a beautiful dream to stay young forever?
The feature follows the world star Anja Silja alias Janacek's opera character Emilia Marty through the experiences of a seemingly endless career and a life spanning over three hundred years. Both protagonists know the price. The human soul does not seem to be made for it.

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