Radio plays

"Pour en finir avec le jugement de Dieu - Ending the Judgement of God".

Author: Antonin Artaud (France 1896 - 1948)
Genre: Radio play
Production: DLF 1997
Director: Antonin Artaud / Götz Naleppa
Music: Antonin Artaud
Length: 38 min.

Antonin Artaud, Maria Casarès, Roger Blin, Paul Thévenin, Christian Brückner

Bilingual version of the radio play by Antonin Artaud
In November 1947, French radio offered the literary eccentric Antonin Artaud the opportunity to prepare a radiophonic lecture for the programme "La voix des poètes". Artaud, back in Paris after nine years in psychiatric clinics, saw the opportunity to give another rehearsal of his 'theatre of cruelty'.
Schluss mit dem Gottesgericht" was rehearsed and recorded over six days. However, the radio play was removed from the programme one day before the broadcast date 'due to impropriety'.
The piece can be heard in the original French version with a dubbing track that can be adjusted by the listener.

Remarks: German/French

en_GBEnglish (UK)