Radio plays
'In Siena, on a rainy day'
Author: Idalberto Fei
Genre: Radio play
Translation: Renate Lampen
Production: DLR 2003
Music: Andreas Bick
Director: Götz Naleppa
Assistant Director: Karena Lütge
Length: 43 min.
Duccio: Michael Mertens
Ivano: Cornelius Obonya
Angelo: Santiago Ziesmer
Marta: Uta Hallant
Pauline: Franziska Troegner
Thomas: Matthias Walter
Hans Cybinski, Andreas Erfurth, Luise Klingsporn, Lukas Klingsporn, Claudius Lünstedt, Gregor Schmidt-Branden, Paul Schmidt-Branden, Götz Schulte
Duccio is hopelessly overwhelmed. He has a wife who loves him and five children. He is also a businessman. He wants nothing more than a quiet, undisturbed day at home. Duccio needs sleep because his guardian angel only speaks to him in dreams. At the weekend, things seem to fall into place: the Palio is on the agenda again. A wildly infamous horse race through the narrow streets of his home town of Siena, traditionally held every year on the last Sunday in July. The family will go to the sea, the rest of the world will gather screaming at the Piazza di Campo and Duccio can finally sleep in. The plan is good, but the day is rainy and so much glass has never been broken as in this radio play.