31 January 2023, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Feature, 6:05 pm:
On the first anniversary of the death of Friedrich Knilli
"Hell ride" - Feature by Friedrich Knilli
With: Friedrich Knilli, Helmut Mooshammer and Andreas Tobias.
Sound and technology: Thomas Monnerjahn.
Directed by Götz Naleppa.
Josef Knilli, the author's uncle, was the main actor in the Aryanisation of the Spielmann clothing store in Graz. He rose from being a small tailor in Fehring to becoming a big dress shop owner. Sometimes for, sometimes against the Nazis. He sat in prison for many years, but had no regrets. He died undefeated, accompanied by Mozart's "Don Giovanni".
On the website derinternetlink.de Friedrich Knilli tells the other side of the story: the expropriation, expulsion and murder of the Jewish clothing store family Spielmann.
Friedrich Knilli died on 1.2.2022. We repeat the feature with which he returned to radio long years after his groundbreaking book on the radio play.